About us

SAFID Organization has been established in 1st February 2010, after so many pitfalls, and youth suffered enough in all aspects of life particularly political, social and economical mainly due to the bloody civil war, Somali young professionals come to understand that it is indispensable to establish a non ethnic, non political and non profit organization that can help youth in various ways to improve their standard of living.

SAFID seeks to empower youth through developmental programs to achieve peaceful coexistence in the community and create alternative livelihood opportunities for young people to stop them joining undesired agencies like Piracy, drug dealing, prostitution, radicalism, human suicide and fighting for worldwide terrorists. The Organization is empowering the youth through fighting of all these brutal activities that became part of their lives and we work in the following areas:

– Relief

– Education

– Health

– Democracy Promoting Projects

– Fighting poverty

– Human rights advocacy

– Environment

– Water and Sanitation


Our vision 

Each person should have the opportunity, capability and support needed to enjoy a sustainable and socially acceptable quality of life.



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