
Fighting against Female genital mutilation( FGM)

To respond to the FGM/C challenge, SAFID made FGM/C prevention and response initiatives a major component of the Somali Community Mobilization program. One of the strategies is to use religious scholars from reputed Sheikhs to give lectures about the FGM practice. SAFID has strong commitment to contribute to the fight against female genital mutilation, both nationally and internationally.



SAFID gives special attention to two societies (Somali and Norwegian) without Identity by promoting Somali-Norwegian cross cultural exchange while preserving the Somali heritage, identity, pride and dignity.


Homework help for Somali-Norwegian children

SAFID helps Somali-Norwgian children with education and homework. This project will help Somali children in Norway, more specifically in Kristiansand, to understand Norwegian system of schools and to integrate the new commers in to the educational system.


Food production improvement

SAFID is working to improve food production by raising standard that can ensure adequate food production. The Organization will take several ways in which small-scale farmers can be strengthened by agricultural machinery, fertilizers, crops, livestock.


Poverty reduction

SAFID works to break the cycle of poverty before it is transferred to another generation, by building more educated and productive communities. We enable every child to go to school and achieve the level of education they desire. We also support Entrepreneurship skills for rural youth to create income opportunities for the young people and hence empower them socio economically.


Establishing income opportunities

SAFID works to improve basic food security by improving agriculture, livestock production and infrastructure among farmers and nomadic families in Somalia. SAFID also targets to develop human capital among youth groups to improve the livelihood standard of the young people in Somalia to empower them.

For the last two decades, the youth in Somalia were messed up by the civil war, educational input and opportunities were not totally available. The Youth were joining into other undesirable agencies like Al-shabab and this made worse the stability of living places. In addition to that, the future of youth was derailed. It seems quite unfortunate that our youth did not get proper chances to lay down the foundation of formal education to achieve academic performances. And that is why our youth are very vulnerable for the recruitment of Al-shabab and the only chance we have is to give them vocational training in which they can earn their daily food and generate income. This effort will reduce the rate of youth unemployment and improve the livelihood and food security of the poorest and vulnerable people.

Fighting against forced marriage

SAFID believes that forced marriage is not an issue of religion, but it is a cultural practice that violates your right as a woman and as a Muslim. The act of forcing someone to marry is in fact an act that is against the practices and teachings of Islam as well as the human rights. SAFID mobilizes all those who practices forced marriage and will provide them real knowledge of the forced marriage.

Promotion of Dialogue for Peace building through Media and Youth Mobilization against extremism and radicalism.

The Organization creates connections within and across communities, and at multiple levels of society, particularly among youth constituencies. the aim is to leverage the core strengths and influence of the media, thereby opening doors to a national shift in the way conflict issues are perceived. The project will directly benefit 2500 community youth, 150 youth representatives, 140 local leaders and 120 media professionals across Somalia

The project is divided into two components — Youth and Media:

The Media component will include training radio, TV and print media professionals in peace building to strengthen their capacity and knowledge in how to cover the news in a socially responsible manner.   Following the trainings, the journalists will write, produce and broadcast Common Ground oriented  articles and radio and TV talk shows. The common ground approach to media emphasizes key building blocks:

  • Model common ground behavior. Reframe issues using respectful, non-judgmental language.
  • Get to know the people behind the opinions.  How did they come to hold the opinions and beliefs they have?
  • Challenge assumptions.
  • Avoid stereotyping.
  • Invite interviewees to express hopes for the future and describe a future vision that they want to see.

The Youth component will include training local youth leaders in conflict analysis, non-adversarial advocacy and leadership skills. The selected youth representatives will also receive training to enable them to identify and deal with issues in their local context. They will form District Dialogue Forums in their districts engaging the local leaders, media and community youth to implement local initiatives that promote peace in their own communities.  A national summit will be held to bring together media professionals, youth representatives and local leaders to interact and share innovative ideas for community peace building.



SAFID organizes sports activities to provide youth with opportunities to interact and join social networks; it helps youth to develop relations with other member of society and to develop their  sports skills. The sports activities will be also used to transform former Al-shabab members.

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